Click the Make an Appointment Button on the BuildLA Appointment System Website.
Log into your Angeleno Account if not already logged in. You will be re-directed to a five step process (detailed below) to request an appointment:
1. Choose the agency/department, service, and the office location you want to meet with. Select next to continue. (Example)
2. Review all instructions and links provided for the selected service. Fill out all required fields. Click next to continue. (Example)
3. Add any attachments if the service has it set as "Optional" or "Required". Click next to continue. (Example)
4. Choose an appointment date and time from the calendar. Select either the in-person or online meeting button within a date square (some services may have both in-person and/or online meeting times). Once a date is selected, a pop-up screen will show all available times. Use the select button to select a time.(Tip: use the “First Available Date” button to jump to the First Available appointment date).
5. Decide whether you want to receive text message updates regarding your appointment request. Click “Submit Request” to complete. (Example)
Once you have submitted your request the screen that follows will show you your appointment status and information regarding your appointment (Example)